Filtering by: “Self Care”

Kindness Cup Virtual Event
to Dec 31

Kindness Cup Virtual Event

Do you ever find yourself run down, feeling tired and maybe just going through the motions?? You want to be ALL-IN, and do as much as you can for a good cause, or just being all you can be for your family and friends. However, you just do not know how you are going to accomplish it all. Or you are just doing the best you can, but know there is more and you could do better. Take a deep breath!! You are not alone. We ALL have a lot going on, and even when we don’t, there are times we truly believe we could be doing better or doing more. When was the last time you took INTENTIONAL time for yourself? Do you want to learn more about ways to recharge, refill, and spread KINDNESS to yourself FIRST?? That is exactly what we are going to do for this virtual event: Kindness Cup!

You cannot pour out from an empty cup, and often times that’s what we have. Will you take this opportunity to invest in yourself so you have more and better to invest in others? Let’s do it!

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